Abogado de Accidente de Autobús en Glendale CA

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Glendale Bus Accident Lawyer

Have You Been Injured in a Bus Crash?

Buses are a common site throughout California. Hundreds of thousands of commuters use buses every year to get from place to place. Some buses offer local transit around a city and service commercial districts, while others use buses as their way to commute to and from work. Still others decide to ride on a bus as they travel out of state to see family or friends. Whatever the reason, California residents are boarding buses in large numbers every year and that is a trend that is expected to continue in the coming years.

Most of these individuals travel safely while aboard these buses but unfortunately, many sustain injuries each year in California bus accidents. Often these injuries are very serious, in part because passengers do not use seat belts while riding on most buses. With several bus companies servicing Glendale and California in its entirety, it might not be surprising that these bus crashes account for many injuries annually and unfortunately some might result in death. If you sustain an injury, make sure to speak with a Glendale bus crash attorney ASAP.

What are some of the common causes of bus accidents?

Bus drivers encounter many of the same challenges as any driver, in addition to some other unique problems. Some common causes of bus accidents involve:

  • Driver distraction-- Drivers who pay more attention to their phones or various other electronic devices are more prone to crashes. Due to the number of passengers on buses, bus drivers also are more susceptible to passenger distractions than somebody operating a car.
  • Driver fatigue-- Much like a truck driver, bus drivers have a schedule to meet. This frequently means they work long hours without taking adequate breaks. The loud atmosphere of a bus can also wear on a driver.
  • Exceso de velocidad - Para llegar a sus paradas programadas, los conductores pueden ignorar los límites de velocidad o las condiciones de la carretera debido a las inclemencias del tiempo.
  • Vehicle maintenance-- An improperly maintained bus can crash due to a failing part.
  • Insufficient training-- Too often, drivers do not have proper training on the safest methods for operating a bus. The lack of training or poor training can result in a driver error that can cause an accident.

What injuries are common in bus crashes?

Just like any type of collision on Glendale roads, the injuries from a bus accident may in part depend on the speed of travel and the size of the other vehicle or vehicles in the crash.

The most prevalent injuries consist of:

  • Fracturas (huesos rotos) que necesitan reparación quirúrgica
  • Lesiones craneales y cerebrales
  • Lesiones de espalda y cuello
  • Lesiones de la médula espinal
  • Cicatrices y laceraciones
  • Muerte por negligencia

What legal rights are available to a bus crash victim?

As a bus crash victim, the law might provide you several civil cases to pursue. The claims available will rely on the circumstances of a specific accident and who is at fault in the crash.

Terceros culpables

If another driver causes an accident with a bus while you are an occupant on that bus, you might have a claim against the other driver for your injuries. If the other motorist does not have sufficient insurance coverage available for all of the injuries suffered in the crash or if the other motorist has no insurance available at all, you may also have a right to bring an uninsured or underinsured claim against your own insurance provider or the bus company itself, if there is UM coverage available.

Conductor de autobús culpable

On the other hand, if the crash is because of a negligent bus driver and you were either a bus passenger or in another vehicle, you may have a claim against the bus driver and the bus company. This holds true even if the bus owner is a municipality, like a city bus used for public transportation.

Defectos de seguridad en un autobús

Finally, if the collision is caused by some defect in the bus itself and not through actions of any drivers, you may have a claim against the:

  • fabricante del autobús
  • vendedor del autobús
  • propietario/operador del autobús
  • cualquier persona que haya realizado un mantenimiento negligente al reparar el autobús

Any bus driver who is injured in an accident might also have a claim for worker's compensation for their injuries.

The possibility of so many claims makes a bus crash case complicated and complex. Typically the more vehicles involved in the crash, the more complex the case( s). This is a reason that when selecting a bus accident attorney in Glendale, you want to select one with experience prosecuting personal injury cases.

¿Qué hago después de estar involucrado en un accidente de autobús?

You might be rattled and in a state of shock after being involved in a bus accident. However there are a few important things that you need to do before leaving the scene.

  • Llama al 911
  • Obtenga información sobre los testigos
  • Buscar atención médica
  • Get in touch with a bus accident lawyer

How much can I recover financially after a bus accident?

The amount of money you might collect after a bus crash will depend a great deal on the seriousness of your injuries. In general, you might recover the costs of your:

  • facturas médicas
  • lost wages
  • dolor y sufrimiento
  • pérdida de la compañía
  • lost earning capacity
  • damages caused by long-term disability or disfigurement

Families who have lost a loved one in a Glendale bus accident may also collect for any treatment their loved one received prior to passing away as well as compensation for funeral and burial costs, loss of companionship, and other damages. Talk to an expert Glendale bus accident attorney to learn all of your options.

Have you been hurt in a Glendale bus accident?

The Glendale bus accident attorneys at Drake Law Firm will work to help you receive the financial recovery that you are entitled to. Bus accident damages might include: medical expenses, disfigurement, pain and suffering, loss of normal life, loss of income, and more. We also look to recover present and future costs when defending a crash victim.

At Drake Law Firm, we've assisted numerous personal injury clients to get the compensation they require to recover. We won't let you accept unfair treatment from other law firms and we will defend you from beginning to end. If you need help with a Bus Accident Lawyer in Glendale, California, give us a call at (844) 513-7253 for a FREE consultation or visit our website at to get started on your case today! 

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