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Hoover High student dies in suspected DUI crash ahead of 16th birthday

20 de septiembre de 2021

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- A suspected DUI crash in northeast Fresno cost a 15-year-old girl her life and resulted in life-altering injuries for two other teens in the car.

Dalia Romero was making big plans for her daughter Lilyana's 16th birthday -- dinner with family and long-anticipated driver's ed classes.

"She had her whole life ahead of her and now she doesn't," said Dalia.

Instead, her mother is now planning Lily's funeral.

"I don't even know where to start. You don't ever think as a parent that you will have to bury your child," she said. "But here I am, burying my child because of another person's actions."

Police say Lily was one of seven teens crammed into a Honda Civic headed down Barstow Ave. around 1 am early Monday morning. They say the car swerved across a sidewalk and hit a tree.

Lily was one of five teen passengers pinned inside when officers arrived. She died at the scene. Two others were taken to the hospital in critical condition.

"One has a spinal injury and they are paralyzed from the waist down," said Fresno Police Sgt. Bill Dooley. "The other is in critical condition with a brain bleed."

Officers have reviewed surveillance video of the crash and say two people in the car ran from the scene, including the driver.

One person is still outstanding, but police later tracked down the 17-year-old suspected driver now facing felony DUI and vehicular manslaughter.

"I'm still in shock. I don't really believe that all of this is going on. I know that she is not here and I should be picking her up from her friend's house to bring her home because she has school tomorrow," said Dalia. "I can't ever do that again."

Dalia says Lily was spending the night at a friend's house, a fellow Hoover High student whose parents she had come to trust. She last heard from her daughter around 10 pm Sunday night.

"She's a good kid and we always told her no matter what situation you are in, if you feel unsafe, call us. We will talk about it in the morning but we want you home safe," she said.

Monday night, loved ones gathered around the scene of the crash remembering the girl who loved to skateboard and hoped to become a veterinarian one day.

"This isn't fun and games anymore," said sister Julieta Romero. "If you are going to be rebellious, do it at home but don't put other people's lives at risk."

Dalia says all she can hope for now is justice.

"They need to be held accountable for their actions," she said. "They caused my daughter's life to be taken from us."

Fresno Police say anyone found to have supplied alcohol to these minors could face criminal charges as well.

The Fresno Unified School District says it has developed a plan to support students at school throughout the week as Hoover High copes with the loss.

A GoFundMe has been set up to help the family with the expenses of Lily's death.

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Millones recuperados para las víctimas de accidentes de tráfico

Drake Law Firm es un bufete de abogados galardonado que se centra exclusivamente en la ley de lesiones personales. 

Respaldados por un equipo de abogados, asistentes legales y personal de apoyo con más de 100 años de experiencia combinada, nos hemos destacado en la lucha por las víctimas de accidentes automovilísticos, y hemos recuperado más de 150 millones de dólares en compensación para nuestros clientes.

Drake Law Firm: Proporcionar resultados de accidentes automovilísticos

Fundado por el abogado Benjamin Drake, el bufete de abogados Drake Law Firm ha conseguido veredictos y acuerdos notables en casos de accidentes de vehículos de motor en todo el estado de California. 

Nuestros resultados de accidentes de coche recientes:

  • 2,5 millones de dólares: conductor atropellado en un accidente en una intersección
  • Recuperación de 735.000 dólares: un automovilista fue golpeado lateralmente por un conductor negligente
  • 1 millón de dólares: víctima de un accidente por detrás
  • 2,65 millones de dólares: peatón atropellado
  • 1,23 millones de dólares: motociclista atropellado por un vehículo

Luchamos por la máxima compensación posible. Para discutir su potencial demanda por accidente de auto y cuánto puede valer, póngase en contacto con nosotros para hablar con un abogado de lesiones personales.

Manejamos todo tipo de accidentes de auto

El bufete de abogados Drake representa a las víctimas que sufren pérdidas en todo tipo de accidentes automovilísticos. Cualquiera que sea su accidente, Drake Law Firm tiene la experiencia que usted necesita. Podemos ayudarle con:

  • Accidentes por conducción en estado de ebriedad
  • Accidentes con vehículos compartidos (Uber / Lyft)
  • Choques causados por conductores negligentes o distraídos
  • Accidentes de varios vehículos, colisiones por detrás y accidentes en intersecciones
  • Accidentes de peatones, ciclistas y motocicletas
  • Reclamaciones de motoristas no asegurados y subasegurados (UM / UIM)
  • Lesiones de pasajeros, incluidos los accidentes detransporte público y de autobús
  • Reclamaciones por defectos del automóvil y responsabilidad por productos defectuosos
  • Accidentes de tráfico en la construcción o en la obra
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