Abogado de accidentes de peatones en Northridge CA

Abogado de lesiones personales de California
Usted está seguro con Drake

Northridge Pedestrian Accident Attorney

Lucha por los derechos de los peatones lesionados

When most people think of automobile accidents, they generally don't think about individuals walking on foot. However a Northridge pedestrian accident attorney will tell you that common collisions don't just involve two or more cars.

A decent portion of automobile accidents only involve one motorist. Further, these types of accidents can frequently result in considerable damage and horrendous injuries. This is particularly true when the accident involves a pedestrian.

If you have been injured in a pedestrian accident, the Northridge pedestrian accident lawyers at Drake Law Firm realize that you are experiencing a difficult time. Medical costs are accumulating, you're off of work, and you're hurt and in pain. Also, you may be receiving phone calls from a car insurance company and you do not know what to do.

The good news is that we are here to help. The lawyers at Drake Law Firm have been taking on pedestrian accident claims for many years with great success. If you have a case, we are ready and willing to fight for you.

What Are Common Causes of Northridge Pedestrian Accidents in Northridge?

Motorists have a duty of care while operating their vehicles that extend to more than just other vehicles. Motorists need to also keep a lookout for the more unprotected individuals on the roads, such as motorcyclists, pedestrians, and bicyclists. Here are the main reasons:

If a motorist does not pay close enough attention-- or their driving is impaired for some other reason-- they may seriously injure or kill a pedestrian accidentally.

In order to totally comprehend how significant pedestrian accidents are and how to prevent them, we also have to understand what leads to pedestrian accidents.

Algunas de las principales causas de accidentes con peatones implicados son:

  • Accidentes de giro y de incorporación
  • Salir de un aparcamiento o de un camino de entrada
  • No ceder el paso
  • Exceso de velocidad
  • DUI
  • Mal tiempo
  • Accidentes de camiones de reparto
  • Carga y descarga de viajeros de autobús y ferrocarril
  • Conducción distraída

¿Cómo puedo prevenir los accidentes de peatones?

Although it is impossible to account for the actions of those around you, there are many things you can do to help avoid becoming the victim of a pedestrian accident.

A continuación se indican varias medidas de seguridad para evitar ser atropellado por un vehículo como peatón:

  • Cruzar la calle por los pasos de peatones designados
  • Busque vehículos en todas las direcciones, incluidos los que giran a la izquierda o a la derecha
  • En los cruces con semáforo, cruce sólo cuando tenga señal de paso
  • When crossing the street, be defensive and assume the driver does not see you
  • Try to make eye contact with the driver to make sure that you know for sure that they see you
  • Never cross midblock, particularly when traveling on busy city streets or streets with several lanes
  • Caminar por las aceras siempre que estén disponibles
  • Manténgase alerta en todo momento. Trate de minimizar las distracciones en su teléfono
  • Sólo hay que utilizar un auricular a la vez para no perder todo el sentido de la audición
  • Don't attempt to beat traffic. If you think that you need to run or speed up, you are cutting it too close
  • Lleve ropa brillante y reflectante cuando oscurezca
  • Esté atento a los coches que entran o salen de entradas y aparcamientos o que dan marcha atrás en aparcamientos

What Should I Do If I'm Injured in a Northridge Pedestrian Accident?

Understanding what to do after you are hit by a car while walking is important so that you can protect your rights and legal options in case you are seriously hurt or have other damages.

  • Call the police and make a report
  • Anote la información de los testigos en el lugar de los hechos
  • Tome fotos y video de la escena del accidente
  • Gather as much of your own evidence as possible, including names, police reports, etc
  • Get medical attention immediately
  • Llame a un abogado especializado en accidentes de peatones
  • Do not speak with an auto insurance company until you've had a consultation with an attorney

As more and more individuals rely on either public transportation or walking as an alternative to commuting by car, more pedestrians end up on the public roads. This is especially true in metropolitan locations like Northridge, where people frequently walk from bus stops, "L" stops, or rail stations to their homes or places of employment.

Too frequently, pedestrians are struck by motorists that are too distracted to notice them crossing the street or walking behind a vehicle. And when this occurs, it will be the pedestrian, not the driver, that pays the price.

The pedestrian injury attorneys at Drake Law Firm have comprehensive experience representing those that are hurt in this kind of accident. We can seek a personal injury case on your behalf, or a wrongful death suit on behalf of a loved one who has been killed in a pedestrian accident in Northridge or any other of the surrounding neighborhoods.

What Types of Compensation Can I Receive if I Win in a Northridge Pedestrian Accident Case?

If you reach a settlement or the court rules in your favor, you can receive compensation for losses related to your pedestrian accident and injuries, including:

  • Gastos de tratamiento médico
  • Pérdida de ingresos
  • Estimación de los costes futuros de tratamiento médico
  • Estimación de salarios perdidos en el futuro
  • Dolor y sufrimiento físico
  • Dolor y sufrimiento psicológico
  • Reducción de la calidad de vida
  • Y más

A Northridge pedestrian accident is a life-altering event when victims sustained severe injuries. Consult with a skilled Northridge pedestrian accident attorney today who can help you get the compensation you are entitled to.

Póngase en contacto con los abogados de accidentes de peatones de Drake Law Firm

If you or somebody close to you has experienced an accident as a pedestrian, visit our firm for a free, no-obligation consultation. These can be very challenging claims, and choosing a law firm familiar with the matters involved in pedestrian accidents in the Northridge area is your best choice for receiving the compensation you deserve.

Our Northridge pedestrian accident attorneys have a proven track record of success in litigating personal injury and wrongful death cases on behalf of clients and families living with the tragedy of a serious or fatal accident.

At Drake Law Firm, we've assisted numerous personal injury clients to get the compensation they require to recover. We won't let you accept unfair treatment from other law firms and we will defend you from beginning to end. If you need help with Pedestrian Accidents in Northridge, California, give us a call at (844) 513-7253 for a FREE consultation or visit our website at to get started on your case today! 

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