Abogado de Resbalones y Caidas en Topanga, CA

Abogado de lesiones personales de California
Usted está seguro con Drake

Topanga Slip and Fall Attorney

At Drake Law Firm, our lawyers understand the significant effect that a slip and fall accident can have on a victim's life. The victim of a slip and fall can suffer painful injuries, face high medical bills for emergency and long-term treatment and be unable to work and earn income for an extended period.

However, if the accident resulted from the negligence of a property owner, a slip and fall victim might have legal options available to him or her. The individual may be eligible to pursue a legal claim that can lead to reimbursement of all medical expenses as well as compensation for the victim's lost wages, pain and suffering and even more.

If you or a loved one has been hurt in a slip, trip and fall in Topanga or elsewhere in California, you can talk with a legal representative from Drake Law Firm today and learn more about the choices available to you.

Should You Hire a Lawyer After a Slip and Fall Accident in Topanga?

You might be worried about your ability to pay for an attorney to handle your slip and fall claim. However, at Drake Law Firm, we will charge no legal fees or case costs unless we obtain a financial recuperation for you. We don't want cost concerns to keep you from obtaining the legal help you deserve.

We believe an attorney can play a vital role in your case, especially when dealing with insurance companies. The reality is that the insurance providers will attempt to pay as little compensation as possible for the physical, psychological and financial damage you have experienced. A lawyer will be focused on protecting you as well as your interests.

A Topanga premises liability lawyer at Drake Law Firm, will:

  • Extensively investigate your slip and fall and develop the toughest case possible
  • Speak with experts that will allow us to understand why your slip and fall took place, who should be held accountable as well as what medical care and treatment you will need to recover from your injuries.
  • Presentar todas las reclamaciones en su nombre de forma oportuna y adecuada.
  • Aggressively pursue a settlement that fully compensates you for your losses or take your case to court (if necessary).
  • Structure any award you obtain to make sure that it maximizes your reimbursement and guarantees you will get the medical care you need in the future.

We are a law firm that is passionate about pursuing outcomes that will truly make a difference in the lives of our clients in Topanga and across California.

¿Qué debe probar en un caso de resbalón y caída en California?

A slip and fall accident is a kind of premises liability case. It can be brought against any type of property owner or occupier, including a private homeowner, store or other business or a local, state or federal government.

To recover damages in an California slip and fall case, you typically must show:

  • A condition on the property presented an unreasonable risk of harm to you. Hazards that might cause a person to slip, trip and fall include:
  • Broken or uneven pavement on sidewalks or in parking lots
  • Suelos y pasillos nevados, helados o mojados
  • Alfombras y moquetas rasgadas, rotas o sueltas
  • Líquidos derramados en el suelo
  • Escaleras rotas o desiguales
  • Iluminación deficiente en pasillos, escaleras o pasillos exteriores.
  • Agujeros en el suelo u objetos que sobresalen del suelo
  • Barandillas rotas, faltantes o sueltas
  • Defective escalators or elevators
  • The property owner knew or, in the exercise of ordinary care, should have known of both the condition and injury possibility. Essentially, the owner or occupier had "actual notice" based on seeing the slip and fall risk or creating the risk or "constructive notice" based on the hazard existing long enough that the owner or occupier should have seen it.
  • The property owner might have reasonably anticipated that you would not have discovered or understood the risk or would fail to protect yourself against the risk. For instance, you would not have known that an office building lobby was slippery because it had just been mopped.
  • The property owner failed to take sensible steps to protect you by either fixing the hazard or giving you a proper warning regarding it.
  • As a result of the property owner's negligence, you suffered injuries.

Al contemplar si tiene capacidad para interponer una demanda por resbalón y caída, deberá plantearse varias preguntas esenciales, entre ellas:

  • Si tropezó o resbaló, ¿había estado la zona peligrosa el tiempo suficiente para que el propietario debiera haberla conocido?
  • Si alguna vez hubo una buena razón para que el objeto estuviera allí y esa razón ya no existe, ¿podría haberse retirado el objeto?
  • Was there a more secure place the object could have been located without much greater inconvenience or cost to the property owner?
  • Could a basic barrier have been developed or a caution given to keep you from slipping or tripping?
  • ¿Contribuyó al accidente una iluminación insuficiente o dañada?

¿Qué indemnización puedo obtener por una lesión por resbalón y caída?

A slip and fall accident can lead to a variety of serious injuries, including fractures, soft-tissue damage, spinal cord injuries and traumatic brain injury (TBI). It is essential to consult with a lawyer that will pursue maximum reimbursement for the damage you have suffered, including:

  • Gastos médicos pasados y futuros
  • Lost wages and diminished earning capacity
  • Dolor y sufrimiento
  • Pérdida de calidad de vida

A property owner's insurance company may try to place blame on you for your slip and fall accident. For instance, the insurance company might claim that you tripped, slipped and fell because of an "open and obvious" hazard that you should have detected or did something else that was negligent.

In California, you could be denied from recovering anything if you were more than 50 percent responsible for your injury. Otherwise, your damages would be decreased by a quantity that is in proportion to the percentage of fault credited to you.

Your legal representative from Drake Law Firm, will aggressively oppose any unfounded claims made by a property owner's insurance company and work diligently to protect your rights.

¿Cuál es el plazo de prescripción en un caso de resbalón y caída en California?

It is essential to speak to an attorney as soon as possible if you are injured in a slip and fall accident. An attorney has to take steps right away to preserve evidence and start the process of bringing a case against the property owner.

A slip and fall claim, like other personal injury claims in California, must be filed within two years after an accident has occurred. This is called the statute of limitations. If you fail to meet that deadline, you could be denied from pursuing a claim.

A California slip and fall lawyer at Drake Law Firm, will ensure your claim is prompt and properly filed.

At Drake Law Firm, we've assisted numerous personal injury clients to get the compensation they require to recover. We won't let you accept unfair treatment from other law firms and we will defend you from beginning to end. If you need help with Slip and Falls in Topanga, California, give us a call at (844) 513-7253 for a FREE consultation or visit our website at to get started on your case today! 

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