You're Safe with Drake - California's Premier Personal Injury Attorneys

Catastrophic Injury Lawyer in Encino CA

California Personal Injury Attorney
You are Safe with Drake

Encino Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

¿Ha sufrido lesiones catastróficas en un accidente?

Simple accidents occur daily. In some cases the consequences aren't that simple, though. Individuals may slip and fall down a single step or a whole flight of stairs, especially when railings are inadequate or defective. Reckless drivers cause injuries when they crash into another person's car. Simple accidents aren't a major problem as long as individuals leave with only minor bumps and bruises. If you sustain serious or catastrophic injuries, however, you might deal with pain, disabilities, and economic losses for the rest of your life.

Seemingly common accidents often lead to long-term medical care, ongoing medical expenses, lost wages, and unexpected disabilities. When someone else causes or contributes to your injury, that individual should pay for your damages. However, negligent individuals or entities do not always step up and take responsibility for their actions. Therefore, it's up to you and a Encino catastrophic injury lawyer to do what's necessary to make them pay.

¿Cuáles son las lesiones catastróficas más comunes?

Federal law considers any permanent injury preventing a person from working as catastrophic. Yet, some injuries occur more than others. Some common types of catastrophic injuries include:

  • Severe burns are not just acutely painful, but they can also be traumatic and produce life-long physical and emotional pain. Burns are classified as catastrophic when they cover much of the body and require reconstructive surgeries, skin grafts, and in some cases a medically induced coma to recover. Even with medical care, the risk of infection due to wide, deep burns is significant.
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are caused by an outside force striking or penetrating the skull. These injuries are usually caused by a violent blow to the head or by an object penetrating the skull. Traumatic brain injuries commonly occur in serious car accidents, slips and falls, and workplace injuries. Brain injuries that are classified as catastrophic usually mean that a victim experiences cognitive problems, like loss of memory and ability to concentrate; physical problems, like impaired coordination and balance and loss of motor functioning; hearing issues; vision problems; and behavioral issues, like depression, anxiety, and aggression. In situations with serious brain injuries, victims may experience a coma, a vegetative state, or death.
  • Spinal cord injuries can be catastrophic because of how essential the spine is to the human body's function. A traumatic spinal cord injury can occur because of a sudden blow to the spine during a car accident or slip and fall. A catastrophic spinal cord injury commonly causes long-term loss of strength, sensation, and function below the site of the injury. This might cause temporary paralysis or even lifelong paraplegia or quadriplegia. In these situations, the injured victim will likely require extensive rehabilitation and assistive devices to return to some movement and independence.
  • Major orthopedic injuries such as crushed bones and fractures requiring multiple surgical procedures are also classified as catastrophic. A crushed bone or several fractures most often happens when force or pressure is placed on a body part. In some cases these kinds of injuries result from being caught between two heavy objects in a car crash or a workplace accident. Crushed bone injuries are extremely painful, may require multiple surgeries, and also run the risk of long-lasting issues.
  • Amputation, meaning the loss of a limb or an extremity, is often a result of a serious accident. An amputation often can not be repaired and might put the patient's life at risk. Amputations are less common than a lot of other catastrophic injuries, however when they do occur it usually means a lifelong disability for those whose amputations were a result of an accident.
  • Long-term vision or hearing loss clearly creates a significant problem for those that experience these kinds of injuries. For this reason, vision and hearing loss are categorized as catastrophic. When a person no longer has the ability to hear or see, they face a lifetime of hardship, financial problems, pain and suffering, lost income potential, and independence.

¿Qué tipo de daños y perjuicios puedo reclamar?

Si el tribunal falla a su favor o llega a un acuerdo antes del litigio, puede recibir una indemnización por las pérdidas que usted (o su ser querido) haya sufrido como consecuencia de la lesión catastrófica.

Algunos ejemplos de los tipos de daños que puede recuperar son:

  • Costes estimados actuales y futuros del tratamiento médico, incluido el servicio de ambulancia, la visita a urgencias, la hospitalización, la intervención quirúrgica, la medicación, el tratamiento en curso y los cuidados de enfermería continuados en un centro de tratamiento a largo plazo.
  • Lost income and lost earning capacity to compensate catastrophic injury victims that can not return to work or pursue future employment
  • Home modification costs to make a home more accessible for someone with a catastrophic injury by adding things like wheelchair ramps, handrails, and constructing a main floor living area for those that can not use stairs
  • Costes de los servicios de sustitución de tareas y mano de obra que la víctima del accidente realizaba antes de sus lesiones, como un servicio de cuidado del césped, un servicio de retirada de nieve, una guardería y un servicio de limpieza.
  • Dolor y sufrimiento físico
  • Dolor y sufrimiento emocional
  • Disminución de la calidad de vida
  • Pérdida de consorcio con el cónyuge
  • Daños punitivos en casos extremos de negligencia grave o daño intencionado

¿Cómo puede ayudar a mi reclamación un abogado con experiencia?

Catastrophic injuries are life-altering events that leave victims financially devastated. Recovering damages for catastrophic injuries is more than receiving compensation for negligence, it is an essential source of funding for future expenses related to the injury. Adding insult to injury, insurance companies use every tactic in their playbook to protect their bottom line and avoid paying claims.

Catastrophic injury claims are high-value claims that require additional resources and skilled attorneys. Experienced catastrophic injury lawyers do not just file paperwork, they advocate for you and your loved one every step of the way.

Algunos ejemplos de cómo los abogados especializados en lesiones catastróficas ayudan a sus clientes son

  • Investigar un siniestro para descubrir todos los hechos
  • Crear un caso sólido contra la oposición
  • Consulting with experts that help raise value to a claim
  • Asegurar el valioso testimonio de los testigos
  • Negociación con las compañías de seguros
  • Llevar el caso a los tribunales cuando el acuerdo no es una solución
  • Negociación para reducir los gastos médicos una vez que se recibe una oferta de liquidación superior

Catastrophic injuries devastate victims and their families physically, emotionally, and financially. Contact our experienced Encino catastrophic injury lawyers to see if we can help you get the compensation you deserve.

If a negligent person or company causes catastrophic injuries to you or a family member, you need to take immediate actions to protect your legal rights. At Drake Law Firm, we always fight hard to recover damages for our clients, and we 'd like to determine if we can assist you.

At Drake Law Firm, we've assisted numerous personal injury clients to get the compensation they need to recover. We won't let you accept unfair treatment from other law firms and we will defend you from beginning to end. If you need help with a Catastrophic Injury Lawyer in Encino, California, give us a call at (844) 513-7253 for a FREE consultation or visit our website at to get started on your case today! 


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