You're Safe with Drake - California's Premier Personal Injury Attorneys

Abogado de Lesiones Laborales en Reseda, CA

California Personal Injury Attorney
You are Safe with Drake

Reseda Workplace Injury Attorney

If you are not able to work because of an injury or illness that occurred at work in Reseda, you might be qualified for workers' compensation benefits. When a workplace injury happens, you might find yourself missing out on paychecks, accumulating medical bills, and being overwhelmed with paperwork. This can be a very stressful and uncertain time.

Afortunadamente, la ley de California protege a los trabajadores de las consecuencias negativas relacionadas con las lesiones laborales al exigir a las empresas que tengan un seguro de compensación laboral.

¿Qué es la indemnización por accidente laboral y cómo funciona?

Workers' compensation is a form of insurance that is purchased by an employer to protect their workers from job-related injuries and illness. It provides a safety net for injured employees to ensure they are not left with no job and no money while trying to recover from an injury. Some jobs can be hazardous, and it should not be the responsibility of the worker to deal with all the consequences that come with an injury.

Under the California Workers' Compensation Act, people who are hurt on the job can get various kinds of financial support to cover their injury-related expenses. This includes:

  • pérdida de salario por baja laboral
  • facturas médicas
  • formación profesional si tiene que cambiar de profesión
  • prestaciones por defunción si el trabajador fallece en un accidente laboral

Unlike a personal injury claim, workers can qualify for benefits regardless of being at fault for a work-related accident. However, injured workers can not recover compensation for damages typically awarded in a personal injury claim.

Causas comunes de las lesiones en el lugar de trabajo

The top three leading causes of work-related injuries account for more than 84% of all nonfatal injuries on the job. This includes:

Sobreesfuerzo y lesiones por movimientos repetitivos

Las lesiones por sobreesfuerzo pueden producirse cuando un trabajador hace un esfuerzo físico excesivo para realizar una tarea y se lesiona. Esto incluye levantar, empujar, girar, sujetar, transportar o lanzar.

Los movimientos repetitivos provocan estrés o tensión en alguna parte del cuerpo debido a la naturaleza repetitiva de la tarea. Algunas tareas repetitivas habituales son levantar cajas, teclear en un ordenador, utilizar una máquina de diez teclas, permanecer sentado durante largas horas y trabajar en una cadena de producción.

Lesiones por resbalones y caídas

Slip and fall accidents are among the most common on-the-job injuries. They represent 25% of yearly injury cases, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Falls on the job include falling from slippery floors, from tripping, and from heights like ladders, roofs, scaffolding, or other structures.

Lesiones por contacto con equipos y objetos

Contact with equipment and objects refers to injuries that occur when a worker is hit by something or bumps into something. This can include an employee being struck by a moving object, bumping into or being pushed in front of an object, being crushed in equipment, or being caught in wire or rope. It might also include incidents like a worker being struck or crushed by collapsing structures, equipment, or materials.

El seguro de accidentes de trabajo también puede cubrir las enfermedades profesionales

Además de lesionarse, los trabajadores también pueden contraer una enfermedad debida a su trabajo. Cuando esto ocurre, el seguro de accidentes de trabajo está diseñado para ayudar a cubrir algunos de los gastos.

Job-related illnesses include diseases that arise from hazardous work environments or workplace exposures. Some common illnesses that occur at work include:

  • Pérdida de audición
  • Enfermedades respiratorias
  • Condiciones de la piel
  • Envenenamiento por sustancias químicas tóxicas

Cases involving job-related illness are complex for a few different factors. One of the main reasons is that you will have to prove that your illness was caused by your job, and not from some other factor like genetics or something that happened during your personal time. This is even more complicated by the fact that many illnesses develop gradually, which makes them harder to recognize and to identify the origin.

¿Qué debo hacer si me lesiono en el trabajo?

If you get hurt in the course of your employment, you need to always report the accident, injury, or illness as soon as possible to your employer. This is essential even if an injury appears minor. This, because injuries that appear minor in the beginning can end up being much more serious in the coming days or weeks.

For instance, an injury that might seem like just a strained muscle can end up being a symptom of permanent nerve damage. Or a sore low back from lifting a heavy object could be a disc herniation that needs surgery.

Further, you should always have a job-related injury assessed by a medical professional. This is the only way to learn the extent of your injury, and what can be done to recover. This is especially important for stress or repetitive motion injuries. Here, making changes in the ergonomic environment might not only heal the injury, but help to prevent injuries to others. Furthermore, to preserve the long-term ability of a worker to keep and continue in their job.

Finally, waiting too long to report an injury on the job might foreclose your right to claim any workers' compensation benefits.

Should You Get In Touch with a Reseda Workplace Injury Attorney?

Consequently, if sustain an on-the-job injury in Reseda, speak to the Reseda personal injury lawyers at Drake Law Firm. Do not go through these hard times on your own. We are here to help you with your claim. We know the causes and impacts of job accidents and injuries. Additionally, we know the laws and regulations related to workers' compensation in California and will work to make the most of the compensation you receive.

At Drake Law Firm, we've assisted numerous personal injury clients to get the compensation they require to recover. We won't let you accept unfair treatment from other law firms and we will defend you from beginning to end. If you need help with a Workplace Injury in Reseda, California, give us a call at (844) 513-7253 for a FREE consultation or visit our website at to get started on your case today! 


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