Lesión cerebral traumática en Sherman Oaks, CA

Abogado de lesiones personales de California
Usted está seguro con Drake

Sherman Oaks Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyers

If you or a loved one suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) during a personal injury accident, you already know the effect these injuries can have. Coping with a brain injury is never easy. A TBI can be straining on a person's physical, mental, and financial health. A TBI can also make it difficult to work, resume your daily activities, and enjoy a long and active life.

After a brain injury, your future can depend on the treatment you get and your ability to pay for the care that you need. That's why you should contact an attorney about receiving the compensation you deserve. The medical bills and lost wages, in addition to the pain and suffering, are not something you should have to handle on your own.

Get In Touch With a Sherman Oaks traumatic brain injury attorney at Drake Law Firm if you are suffering from a head injury because of an automobile accident or any other accident.

¿Qué es una lesión cerebral traumática?

La definición de lesión cerebral traumática es "una alteración del funcionamiento normal del cerebro que puede ser causada por un golpe, una sacudida o una lesión penetrante en la cabeza". Estas lesiones incluyen:

  • Daños en la integridad estructural del cráneo
  • Daños en el tejido cerebral por movimientos violentos
  • Lesiones en las que se penetra el tejido cerebral

Las LCT van de leves a graves, con distintos síntomas y grados de pronóstico.

Minor traumatic brain injuries usually affect an individual for a short time period before they make a full recovery. More severe traumatic brain injuries can cause bruising, torn tissue, bleeding, and other physical damage that results in long-lasting problems or death.

What Types of Brain Injury Claims Does Drake Law Firm Handle?

Our brain injury lawyers take on all kinds of lawsuits involving brain injuries that were caused by another party's negligence. Some of the most common types of TBI cases we handle include:

Accidentes de coche, camión y moto

Motor vehicle accidents are among the most common causes of brain injuries in the United States. Car accidents are common and many lead to head injuries. Truck accidents are less common, but they involve devastating force that leads to an increased likelihood of a TBI. And motorcycle riders simply have little to no protection and can easily hurt their head when they are struck or ejected from their bike.

Accidentes de peatones y ciclistas

Pedestrians and bicyclists are completely exposed when they are walking or cycling near roadways. If a vehicle strikes a pedestrian, they are typically thrown or crushed from the force of the vehicle. This impact commonly results in brain injuries in major pedestrian or bicycle collisions.

Negligencia médica

Medical malpractice happens when a doctor, hospital, or other healthcare provider deviates from the standard of care, causing an injury to the patient. If the mistake causes a lack of oxygen to the brain, or fails to notice or treat an existing brain issue, a TBI can result.

Lesión de nacimiento

Infant brain damage can happen during childbirth in certain situations that are naturally caused and also in circumstances involving negligence. The most common causes of birth injury TBIs are the use of an instrument like forceps with too much force or asphyxiation when the brain is deprived of oxygen for too long.

Resbalones y caídas

When an individual slips and falls from a slippery floor or broken staircase, they can easily hit their heads hard enough to inflict a brain injury. Some falls are not serious and cause minor injuries. But some can be devastating and lead to lasting consequences and real pain and suffering.

Accidentes de trabajo

Some jobs and industries are known to be more dangerous than others. For example, an employee in the construction industry might sustain a brain injury at work from falling, being crushed, or during a car accident. In these situations, they may be able to recover compensation through workers' compensation benefits. If a party besides the employer was responsible, they might be able to get additional compensation through a third-party personal injury claim.

Indemnización por daños y perjuicios de una lesión cerebral

Getting compensation for a brain injury that was not your fault can make all the difference for you and your loved ones. In most cases, victims and their families are dealing with accumulating bills, stress, and an unclear future. If your traumatic brain injury is severe, you could be out of work for a long time. In addition to medical expenses, you might be able to receive other compensation because of the accident.

Insurance companies will pay the least amount possible because they are in business to make money. They don't care about your injuries; they just care about their profits. If you attempt to settle, you may not receive sufficient compensation for past medical expenses, never mind future medical bills and lost time from work.

The various kinds of compensation that you may receive consist of:

  • Gastos médicos anteriores por lesiones sufridas en el accidente.
  • Future medical expenses for upcoming surgeries and doctors' visits.
  • Physical, cognitive and psychological therapies. These kinds of therapies may continue for months or years.
  • Salarios perdidos anteriores por el tiempo que no pudo trabajar a causa de sus lesiones.
  • Pérdidas de salario futuras por el tiempo que no puedas trabajar en el futuro o si tienes que aceptar un puesto de trabajo que pague menos.
  • Reparación o sustitución de automóviles.
  • Reposición de los bienes personales dañados en el accidente.
  • Loss of companionship if the incident caused injuries serious enough so that you can not enjoy doing things with your family.
  • Loss of consortium if the incident caused injuries serious enough that you can not enjoy a physical relationship with your spouse.
  • The cost if you have to hire someone for everyday tasks, such as grocery shopping, home maintenance, and cleaning.
  • Dolor y sufrimiento si los médicos esperan que sufra sus lesiones a largo plazo.
  • Daños punitivos si las acciones gravemente negligentes del conductor culpable causaron el accidente.

Traumatic brain injuries can be minor or serious and might have extensive recovery times. Compensation for long-term injuries will help you support yourself and your family.

Consult a Sherman Oaks Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer

The lawyers of Drake Law Firm have the experience and resources needed to represent you in your traumatic brain injury claim. We will fight on your behalf to recover the maximum compensation you and your family deserve.

Don't make the mistake of dealing with insurance companies by yourself. Hire skilled legal representation to protect you and your family member's rights.

At Drake Law Firm, we've assisted numerous personal injury clients to get the compensation they require to recover. We won't let you accept unfair treatment from other law firms and we will defend you from beginning to end. If you need help with Traumatic Brain Injury in Sherman Oaks, California, give us a call at (844) 513-7253 for a FREE consultation or visit our website at DrakeLawGroup.com to get started on your case today! 

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