Abogado de accidente de coche en Studio City, CA

Abogado de lesiones personales de California
Usted está seguro con Drake

Studio City Car Accident Attorney

Drake Law Firm tiene experiencia sirviendo a víctimas de accidentes automovilísticos

Bear in mind that acquiring assistance from a qualified and seasoned automobile accident attorney might be crucial. This is particularly true after a severe injury.

If you wait too long in seeking your claims or fail to fully understand your damages, essential evidence might disappear. You can lose valuable compensation that you need to pay for your recovery.

We understand that when you have severe injuries, you can not thoroughly and instantly assess the source of the accident and also collect information. It is even harder to deal with the insurance carriers.

Allow our Studio City automobile accident lawyers at Drake Law Firm shoulder that burden for you.

¿Qué debo hacer tras un accidente de tráfico?

  • Call the authorities and make a police report. Do not let the other motorist talk you into skipping this critical step. It can cause problems later on.
  • Exchange info with the other driver. Take good photos of the other side's I.D. and insurance information. Some police departments will not make this information publicly available on the police report.
  • Take down witness information. Independent witness testimony can be crucial to your case.
  • Take pictures of the accident scene as well as the damages to your vehicle and the other vehicles.
  • Seek medical care. If you have injuries, go to the emergency room or seek medical care right away. You could have suffered much more severe injuries than you realized. Additionally, an extensive gap between an accident and medical treatment can make it difficult for your lawyer to prove that your injuries are related to the accident.
  • Call our Studio City auto accident lawyers immediately. The quicker you have a lawyer, the faster they can begin protecting your legal rights. Additionally, call an attorney before you speak with any auto insurance provider. They will usually try to take a statement from you, which can be used against you later on.

¿Qué daños y perjuicios puedo reclamar tras un accidente de tráfico?

  • Gastos médicos, como visitas al hospital, citas con el médico, fisioterapia, gastos de ambulancia, etc.
  • Pain and suffering refers to the physical and mental distress for which a person can seek compensation in a lawsuit.
  • Lost income from missing work after a major injury, one of the most financially harmful elements of a car accident.

¿Cuáles son las lesiones más habituales en los accidentes de tráfico?

Hay una serie de lesiones que pueden resultar de accidentes de auto, tales como:

  • Broken bone injury accidents-- When a fracture is much more significant, it can need surgery to repair.
  • Back and neck injuries-- These are usually soft tissue injuries that resolve with treatment. However, sometimes accident victims suffer herniated discs that may need injections or surgery.
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)-- Whether mild (like a concussion) or severe, TBIs can require years of treatment. They might also cause brain death, vegetative states, comas, and also death.
  • Laceraciones: a veces, las víctimas de accidentes sufren grandes cortes que requieren puntos de sutura o grapas y suelen dejar cicatrices desfigurantes.
  • Lesiones de hombro, como rotura del manguito de los rotadores o del labrum: estas lesiones suelen requerir cirugía.
  • Lesiones de quemadura-- Esto puede resultar de fuego, pero también puede venir de airbags. Nuestra firma ha visto cicatrices significativas de lesiones de airbag.
  • Fatality-- Unfortunately, thousands of people die every year in Studio City area auto accidents.

What Variables Affect My Settlement?

Identifying how much compensation you should anticipate from your settlement can be tough since the amount depends greatly on the facts of your case. A knowledgeable Studio City motor vehicle accident attorney will calculate your economic as well as non-economic damages. They can also help you make the best decision on when to settle or take your case to court.

Your lawyer's job is to negotiate with the insurance carriers on your behalf until they secure a top offer from the insurance carrier. If that offer is reasonable, you settle. Otherwise, your attorney can file a lawsuit.

Aspects that affect settlement value consist of:

  • La gravedad de sus lesiones.
  • The available insurance coverage. If the driver has little to no insurance, it's much more difficult to receive a high settlement from them. If the motorist has no or minimal insurance, the claim may have to depend on your own uninsured/underinsured driver coverage for compensation.
  • Whether liability is clear or disputed. For example, the other party may not challenge obligation in a rear-end accident yet could in a red-light accident.
  • Si en su accidente hubo más de un responsable (siniestros a terceros).
  • Si la parte culpable actuó con negligencia grave al conducir su vehículo de motor.
  • Your total medical costs as well as other losses, such as lost wages from work.
  • Su capacidad para reincorporarse al trabajo.
  • El cambio en su calidad de vida antes y después del accidente.
  • Sus gastos de bolsillo.

Call our law firm if you 'd like more info regarding the potential value of your claim.

Nuestros abogados de accidentes están aquí para ayudarle

If you suffered injuries in an auto accident, or somebody you love tragically died, allow the automobile accident lawyers at Drake Law Firm help you assess and know your legal rights and potential solutions. Additionally, we can help you get the compensation you need to recover completely.

The automobile accident lawyers at Drake Law Firm have experience representing Studio City drivers and passengers that suffered injuries in motor vehicle accidents. We will independently investigate your accident and do what is needed to help you recover. This allows you to concentrate on the important and difficult tasks of recovery and getting your life back in order.

At Drake Law Firm, we've assisted numerous personal injury clients to get the compensation they require to recover. We won't let you accept unfair treatment from other law firms and we will defend you from beginning to end. If you need help with a Car Accident in Studio City, California, give us a call at (844) 513-7253 for a FREE consultation or visit our website at to get started on your case today! 

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Póngase en contacto con el bufete de abogados Drake para que pueda responder a cualquier pregunta que pueda tener y le haga saber lo que puedo hacer para ayudarle. Si no puede visitar nuestro bufete, podemos ir a su casa o a la habitación del hospital.

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