You're Safe with Drake - California's Premier Personal Injury Attorneys

Abogado de Accidente de Bicicleta en Van Nuys, CA

California Personal Injury Attorney
You are Safe with Drake

Van Nuys Bicycle Accident Lawyer

To Avoid Accidents and Injuries, Cyclists Need to Always Ride Defensively

As the number of bicyclists increases, the amount of accidents involving bikes will also likely grow. And, like many other car crashes, a number of them happen at intersections.

A lot of these collisions are the result of motorists that seem to forget that bicyclists are also legitimate and lawful users of the roads. They neglect to look for cyclists when making turns or moving through intersections.

These types of accidents are worsened by overly large and busy intersections. Additionally, bicyclists are endangered by rapidly changing traffic signals that may turn red before they fully cross the intersection.

¿Cuáles son las causas más frecuentes de los accidentes de bicicleta?

Several of the most common causes of bicycle accidents include:

Conductores que no ceden el paso a los ciclistas en los cruces

Some motorists may not be familiar with the laws of the road when dealing with bicyclists sharing the road. This lack of awareness can be especially dangerous when a cyclist and a car are sharing the roadway while crossing or turning at an intersection. Intersections are among the most dangerous places for vehicles and bicyclists. Intersections are one of the main locations where crashes resulting in devastating injuries take place.

A motorist failing to observe bicyclists on the street

Drivers not seeing a bicyclist on the street is a common reason for a collision involving a bicycle. Both motorists and bicyclists need to take safety measures to minimize this very preventable cause of bike accidents.

Bicyclists can use safety accessories like sideview mirrors, reflectors, lights, and light-colored clothing to help reduce the possibility of an accident. Similarly, drivers need to realize that cars are not the only vehicles they need to watch out for on the roads. Motor vehicle drivers need to be particularly careful at intersections, near bike lanes, and in locations with a large number of bike commuters.

Conductores que invaden los carriles bici

Even while riding within the confines of a bike lane, bicyclists should be alert at all times for distracted and careless drivers. Vehicles can accidentally or intentionally drift into a bike lane after just a few seconds of distraction. This can possibly cause a bicyclist to sustain major injuries.

Los atropellos cuando un automovilista o un pasajero no prestan atención al abrir la puerta del coche

As we discussed above, dooring incidents are a serious danger to cyclists, particularly in urban settings. These incidents can cause a bicyclist to go flying over their handlebars, which can result in devastating injuries like brain injuries, neck and back injuries, facial damage, and long-lasting pain and suffering. Practicing defensive riding techniques is the best way for a cyclist to prevent being the victim of a dooring.

Distracted drivers hitting a bicyclist

Distracted driving is one of the biggest concerns for road safety that we experience today. As smartphones have become a major part of our daily lives, many individuals find it difficult to put down their phones even while driving. Distracted drivers are clearly a threat to other vehicles. Yet they are even more dangerous to bicyclists and pedestrians since they have almost no protection if they are struck. Someone who is distracted by texting, eating, or a variety of other things may divert into bike lanes. Likewise, they may not notice a cyclist crossing through an intersection or fail to see a cyclist while making a turn. Distracted driving is such a big concern that it's been identified as the leading cause of bicycle collisions involving automobiles.

Los automovilistas no ceden el paso a los ciclistas al entrar y salir de los accesos o aparcamientos

When a driver that is backing out of a driveway or parking lot does not completely assess their surroundings, it can result in major repercussions for pedestrians and bicyclists. Bicyclists are more likely to be struck in parking lots and while individuals are backing out because of their smaller size and their low noise levels. Backup video cameras and sensors are starting to reduce these types of accidents. However drivers can not depend on these technologies instead of looking behind them and checking their blind spots.

¿Cómo puedo prevenir un accidente de bicicleta?

Following appropriate safety procedures and laws when riding a bike in Van Nuys is the most effective way to avoid collisions and injuries. When riding in traffic, bicyclists should do the following:

  • Obedezca las normas de circulación
  • Presume that cars and motorists will fail to see you
  • Give vehicles a wide berth
  • Occasionally yield to motor vehicles under certain conditions when you don't know if a motorist has spotted you
  • You should have proper protective gear

¿Cómo puedo protegerme en un accidente de bicicleta?

  • Usar un casco que se ajuste correctamente
  • Llevar ropa brillante o reflectante
  • Utilice una luz de bicicleta, reflectores y cinta reflectante
  • Cumplir con todas las leyes de tráfico publicadas
  • Flight with the circulation of traffic
  • Utilizar los carriles bici siempre que sea posible
  • Asegúrese de que su bicicleta está en buenas condiciones de funcionamiento
  • Remain alert at all times and avoid distracted riding

¿Qué debo hacer tras un accidente de bicicleta?

Si te lesionas en un accidente de bicicleta, es esencial que hagas lo siguiente:

  • Call 911 and make a police report. Do not let a motorist talk you into not making a police report. That can result in problems later on.
  • Exchange information with the driver that hit you. Photograph of their driver's license and insurance policy card.
  • Take several photos of your bike, the vehicle that hit you, and the scene of the crash.
  • Obtain witness information from anyone that happened to see the accident. Do not bypass this step, as police officers do not always get witness info and you might need it later on.
  • Si es necesario, busque atención médica inmediatamente.
  • Consult with a qualified bike accident attorney in Van Nuys. Do this prior to calling the other party's insurance carrier.

Contact a Van Nuys Bicycle Accident Lawyer at Drake Law Firm

If you sustain an injury in an accident with an automobile while riding your bicycle, or someone you love has been tragically killed, you should speak with an experienced bicycle accident attorney as soon as possible. They will help figure out whether you might have a legitimate personal injury or wrongful death case against a negligent driver.

At Drake Law Firm, our skilled bicycle accident attorneys assist bicyclists in pursuing cases against negligent drivers who have caused major injuries. We understand how to receive all of the compensation you are entitled to for your injuries, whether that means filing a lawsuit or seeking a remedy through other methods.

At Drake Law Firm, we've assisted numerous personal injury clients to get the compensation they require to recover. We won't let you accept unfair treatment from other law firms and we will defend you from beginning to end. If you need help with Bicycle Accidents in Van Nuys, California, give us a call at (844) 513-7253 for a FREE consultation or visit our website at to get started on your case today! 


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